Monthly Garden Talk: What’s bugging you in the garden?

July 2021

Tomato Hornworm

Bring a brown bag lunch and learn while you eat! What are those spots on my tomatoes? Can’t figure out what is eating your cucumbers? What is that weed? This talk will focus on how to identify garden pests and diseases and the best methods to control them naturally.

Bring samples of problem from your garden for evaluation. Place plant specimens in a zipper-lock bag and insects in a small jar containing rubbing alcohol.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021,
12 noon – 1 pm
Portsmouth Public Library, Churchland
4934 High Street, Portsmouth VA 23704

Monthly Garden Talk: Hydrangeas – More Than Just Mopheads

June 2021

Get to know the many different types of hydrangeas that can be grown in this area. This lecture will discuss culture, care, flowering habits and the answer to that never-ending question – When do I prune my hydrangeas?Find out at our next monthly lecture.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
6:30-7:30 pm
Please click the image below to view lecture.

How to Attract Bluebirds to your Garden

February 17, 2021, given by Bob Perkins

You might think February is for the birds–and you are right–Bluebirds! Bluebirds start to search for nesting locations this month. It’s time to put up your Bluebird houses and invite them to your garden. This lecture will talk about what the bluebird needs in the way of food, shelter and habitat.

Watch the Video: Bluebird Habitats -PMG February Virtual Lecture – Virginia Tech – Video (