After sixty-five hours of training and fifty (plus) hours of volunteering the nine members of the class of 2022 have made it to GRADUATION Day. During the February Portsmouth Master Gardener Association meeting on February 21st, 2023 six of the nine graduates in attendance were warmly welcomed into the PMGA by President Barbara Beyers and Extension Agent Cyndi Wyskiewicz. Stephanie Aydlett, Diana Davenport, Schonna Dungan, Farranez McPhee-Rhaming, Sherry Myles, and Johanna Nelson were presented with certificates, official name badges, and a tote filled with lovely gifts. Members of the PMGA made us each feel welcome with good food and warm wishes for continued success. As always the décor for the event was made extra special with a Mardi Gras theme. Plenty of beads for all to share. We missed Pamela Hartwell, Kaci Midgette, and Eileen Shirk who could not attend but are assured they will be with us very soon for a class photo.