In 2019, we started an 8-week after-school gardening club at Churchland Intermediate and Primary schools with Ms. Vicki Tiller Sanchez, the school liaison. Students had to have a parent attend to help with the program.
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Students built several raised beds and then then planted vegetables in the gardens. We later harvested the produce, including carrots, onions and lettuce. Students shared some among the club members and sold the rest on Parents Night to put money back into the program to pay for supplies.
The program was so successful, we started again in early March of 2020. Unfortunately, we had to stop because of the pandemic. However, we have started again with another 8-week session during the summer of 2021.
This program is available to other Portsmouth schools for grades K-8. If you are interested in starting a school vegetable gardening program, please contact Horticultural Extension Agent Cyndi Wyskiewicz at (757) 393-5314 or via email at